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MC Policies and Procedures

  Policies and Procedure

In order for the Library to function smoothly and serve the interests of all patrons, the following policies have been established.

1. Regular books are loaned for three weeks. Reference materials are loaned on an overnight basis. All materials may be renewed one time unless they are needed by someone else.

2. Magazines may be checked out from the Library for one block and must be returned at the end of that block.

3. Overdue fines are charged at the rate of 5 cents per day for all materials.

4. Students that owe fines and/or have outstanding materials will not be permitted to check out any books until those obligations are cleared.

5. Students are responsible for materials charged to their name. Lost or damaged books must be paid for.

6. Copies and computer printouts, including those “required” for a class, printed in the Library are 10 cents per sheet.

7. The Library is the available for use for all patrons each day. It may be used for individual study, class assignments, meetings, guest speakers, testing, etc. While in the Library, patrons are expected to work quietly, courteously showing respect to all others.

8. All patrons are expected to help keep the Library straight by: not eating or drinking, turning computers and monitors off when assignments are completed, putting trash in the trash cans, sliding chairs up to the tables, and placing items to be re-shelved at the circulation desk.

9. The Library is open daily.  For security purposes, student passes from classroom teachers are needed during the school day. These passes must be shown to one of the Library staff as soon as the student enters.

10. Students from lunch may use the Library with a pass from a classroom teacher, if no other activities are in session. Once the student has arrived, they will be expected to stay until lunch is over.

11. The Library follows the Henry County Schools Computer Usage Policy. Computers are furnished for educational purposes only. Playing games, watching video, etc. is not allowed, unless it is part of a classroom assignment. Students must have a signed HCPS Code of Conduct form on file in the main office in order to use the internet.